Morph slideshow

Options in life

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

- Viktor Frankl

To take action Metamorph needs to ask some relevant questions. Metamorph often lives according to society’s answers and forgets to ask important questions in the first place. One important fundamental question Metamorph needs to ask is; “Why am I doing what I am doing at this present time?”
Metamorph faces psychological challenges every day. Within a lifespan Metamorph has three options regarding any challenging situation. Relevant questions to take action with a specific option are as follow:
• To change: What can I change (environment, situation or my reaction)? How can I make the changes? What resources do I need? When can I do it? What do I do first?
• To accept: it is as it is! I don’t have to agree with it, or judge it good or bad. I can always come back to it later. I can keep my options open. This is a normal body reaction. I don’t have to fight it, or try to stop it. It will pass…
• To let go: Is it worth it? Is this something I can leave or let go of, and move on from?